THE BIBLE IN 10 POINTS (Teologie biblica, engl)


Do you know that you are in a Universal War that will soon end?


God created "very good" things from the beginning.

Genesis 1:31And God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good.


We must first know that after the Creator has done all the good things, one of the angels started a rebellion to dethrone the Creator Father.

The Bible shows that a third of the angels in heaven followed that angel in this war, now known as Satan the Devil.

Revelation 12:4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.


This war is not over yet, and we are all partakers of this universal conflagration, either on the side of the Creator or on the side of His Adversary. There is no third way, that of neutrality. God urges all His creatures to enter into this great war on His side and to obey Him in all things.


Acts 20:27 for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


What is the whole plan of God in the Universe?


Answering this question briefly, surely the heavenly Government of God, the Father Almighty, that will be established by God, through His Son, will do something special, according to the plan made by the Creator.


Soon Satan and his demons – the fallen angels -  will be captured and taken captive for a thousand years.

Revelation 20:2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.


Who knows what happened next?



What is God's plan for the Earth and for humanity that fears and love God?


     Dear brothers and sisters, friends


      I am pleased to write to you again; I consider these posts a great opportunity to communicate with you. God created us with the need to communicate with both our fellow humans and Himself. "We communicate with God through prayer, and He answers us through the Bible."

I appreciate your interest in the great topics of the Bible. I would like to share the same thoughts. First, we need a translation that uses a modern, simple expression and that accurately conveys the action of biblical accounts and is consistent. Second, for a Hebrew or Greek word a single equivalent should be used consistently whenever the language and context allow, so that the idea is expressed clearly, in every place.


     The Bible is a valuable work. It is lively and urges the reader to reflect and study. It is not the work of followers of human myths, but of believers who have honored God and His Word.


     Regardless of who the translators of the Bible are, we want to read the Bible to know God and to strengthen our faith in him and his promises.


A Bible believer wrote the following:


    “At present, we live in a world alienated from God. Life is stressful and people are confused about the future. Human evil has reached alarming levels. In addition, there are countless worrying news: global warming, epidemics, hunger, etc.. Scientists, human governments prove to be powerless in the face of these problems. All of these make up a picture that tells us that the values of the world are reversed. People no longer differentiate between evil and good. We are living in critical times.

     But many honest people wonder if there is a God and if He is interested in us? It is interesting that influential people, opinion-makers, acknowledge that the situation in the world has become much worse and that only God can save us. But their assertions are often not based on authentic faith.


 People have gotten out of control, so we need real hope to solve our problems. The Bible promises that the problems of mankind will be solved through a heavenly government.


    In the Bible book of Jeremiah 29:11 we find some beautiful promises made by God for His people. I encourage you to read the verse from the Bible itself. Have you noticed from the verse those beautiful promises that God wants us to have? He wants us to have peace, a future and a hope. It's a wonderful hope. Can you imagine a world of peace, without any problems?


   God promises us this wonderful assurance if we manifest an authentic faith in Him, based on His Word. He created the land of love for us. It was created for us humans so that we can enjoy life. This is why God will intervene and eliminate the causes of suffering. He will restore his initial purpose to the earth. It seems an incredible image, but for the Almighty God, nothing is impossible to achieve."


Amen! We waiting a New Heaven and  a New Earth, according to God’s promise:


Revelation Book

21:1 And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.


    I wish you a beautiful day and thank you for the time you spend with us.


God's initial plan for the earth and for humanity is well established in Genesis 1:28. Genesis 3:22 also reveals that God wanted to give eternal life to mankind, and although He suspended His intention for a time, He did not give up His intention to give eternal life to all creatures that love Him, listens to Him and recognizes Him as the Supreme Lord (see John 3:16 and Acts 4:24). Through His heavenly Son He will fulfill this great promise at the right time. His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  is God’s “Way” to eternal life.


God promised to reward the believers and punish the guilty who opposed His plan.

His judgment will be just. God has promised the resurrection (Revelation 21:5) and that the truth will dwell in heaven and on earth forever (2 Peter 3:13). Neither heaven nor the globe itself will be destroyed (Psalm 115:16; Ecclesiastes 1: 4), but as in the Great Flood from the Noah’s time, mankind still awaits a terrible judgment when, through the power of God. He purifies the air and face of the earth from all sin and from all men who oppose God and His appointed king (Matthew 24: 21-30; 2 Peter 3: 5-12; Revelation 19: 11-21).

After God removes the wicked from the earth and throws Satan into prison so that he cannot influence anyone (Revelation 20: 1-3), He hands the Earth to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His heavenly Son, who is chosen by God (Matthew 20: 20-23, Matthew 24). He with his earthly associates (Revelation 14: 1-5), will rule over the earth for a thousand years (Revelation 20: 4-6), over all obedient people who endured the great tribulation and were spared because of their repentance  (Revelation 7: 9-17, (Revelation 16: 13,14), in the day of God's judgment (Revelation 19: 17-21).


After the great tribulation, the kingdom of God - that is, the government ordained by God - which is under the rule of Lord Jesus Christ and his associates, will accomplish wonderful things on earth:

1. Eternal peace, harmonious and international coexistence, with the complete elimination of conflicts and wars (Psalm 72: 7,8; Micah 4: 1-5; Psalm 46: 9,10).

2. International security and happiness through justice, with the complete elimination of physical and economic oppression of any kind (Psalm 37: 9-11; Isaiah 65: 20-23; Revelation 7: 15-17).

3. Providing abundant crops throughout the world by eradicating natural disasters and cursing of the ground (Malachi 3: 10,11; Revelation 22: 3; Psalm 72:16)

4. Ecological harmony between humans, animals, and nature (Isaiah 11: 6-9; 65:25).

5. Eradicating disease and aging, stopping death (Isaiah 33:24; 35: 4-10; 65: 20,23) and restoring living conditions as in the Garden of Eden was (Isaiah 35: 1,2,7; 43: 19,20 ).

6. In the millennium, all human beings on earth will live in paradise, listening to the rule of Jesus Christ, worshiping and serving God, the heavenly Father, with happiness (Revelation 21 and 22). During the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, God showed in heaven and on earth that it is in the interest of creatures to accept His righteous and loving rule and to serve and submit only to the Creator forever.

7. At the end of the millennium, Satan will be released from prison to close the debate. All who will be deceived by Satan's final despair will be subject to God's just and eternal punishment (Revelation 20:7-10). After the condemnation of the rebels, the enemy will be destroyed and all power will return to God. — Revelation 20:14; 1 Corinthians 15: 24-28. There will be eternal happiness and eternal life both in heaven and on earth (Revelation 22:1-5).

There will never be any more rebellion or sin, because all creatures have learned who God is. He is the Supreme Being and the Absolute Master who cannot be defeated and whose will always wins. No one will be so crazy and stupid to do his job with him. Madness and folly will be eradicated forever with their inventor, Satan the Devil.


The Bible in ten points

1. The Holy Scripture, the Holy Bible, is inspired by God and it is useful for our fulfillment: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Corinthians 4:6. Any teaching, prophecy or conduct must be verified with the Bible, but, be careful, it can be misinterpreted: 2 Peter 3:15.16; Revelation 22:18, 19.

2. Salvation from sin and death is achieved through grace, through faith:  Ephesians 2:8, 9; Tit 3:5, in Christ‘s sacrifice: Romans 3:21-36; Luke 221:41-44. Not by deeds, because then we would annul both Christ’s sacrifice and God’s grace, which is given on the grounds of the belief in this sacrifice and thus the reason of our salvation would not be the belief in Christ’s sacrifice: Galatians 5:4-6; Galatians 2:21 and also the grace would no longer be grace: Romans 10:6. However, the good deeds that God has prepared for us to do, are indispensable because faith without deeds is void, dead; that is why we must show our faith through good deeds: James 2:14-20. God’s Word teaches us that the payment for sin is death and not the sinner’s eternal torment: Romans 6:23. “The lake of fire” is a great warning signal of the eternal destruction that awaits the lost ones: Revelation 20:14. This "lake" is the eternal death, the eternal destruction, as it is so clearly shown: “The lake of fire is the second death.” Universal salvation (many chances to repent in God's Kingdom for sinners) and semi-universal salvation (a new chance for sinners to repent in God's Kingdom) are not biblical teachings (Revelation 21:7,8).
The possibility of repentance is closed by death, and one can only repent and reconcile with God as long as one lives: Hebrews 9:27.

3. What is sin? God loves every person and He commands to all the people, from everywhere, to repent, from the sin; sin is wrong thought and action, that is why God hates sin so much: Acts of the Apostles 5:3,4,8,9; 17:30; Romans 2:1-16. There is no possibility of salvation once a man dies unrepentant, from this kind of life, that is why, with true love for mankind, we must do our best talents to spread the Gospel to those who are lost in their wrong thought and action: Matthew 24:14; Ephesians 4:17-32; Revelation 20:11-15. Does God wish, the fall or the salvation of His children? This is God's view of salvation: “for this is right and acceptable before God our Savior, who doth will all men to be saved, and to come to the full knowledge of the truth;“: 1 Timothy 2:3,4. As we see, God wishes the salvation of all the people, but those who through their bad thinking and deeds reject this free grace, fall from grace and cannot be saved. That is why, when Apostle Paul writes about our predestination we must bear in mind God’s wish shown to mankind (1 Timothy 2:3,4), for all people and by what and how we can enter in this predestination of salvation, which is a predestination as a group of believers and not of individuals: Romans 9:30-33. God did not create a man more sinful than another. He has not arbitrarily decided one’s destiny, neither one’s fall, nor salvation, and this even before the individual’s birth. Through repentance everybody can receive the grace of salvation: Luke 13:1-5.


4. According to John 3:16 "For God (The Father) so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." And according to the whole Bible, God is only one, almighty, supreme, sovereign, eternal, immortal and unchanging. He is one single being, one single person distinct from all: the Creator of heavens and earth, the Father who is the greatest authority in the Universe and bears the name YEHOWAH (other transl. Yahweh, Jehovah, etc.): Exodus 3:13-16. That means that it was not God who died in pains on the torture pillar (in Greek text, or crux in Latin), but it was His Son, Jesus Christ, who died: John 3:16; 1 Timothy 6:16; John 20:17; Luke 23:46. Jesus Christ did not always exist, because otherwise he would be God’s “Twin Brother” and not His Son, but obviously, as God’s Son, he inherited God’s good nature and this nature is also promised to us, the faithful: 2 Peter 1:4. Of course, Jesus Christ existed in heaven as a distinct person from the Father, before His coming on Earth and His birth, Jesus being the beginning of God’s Creation: Revelation 3:14; John 8:57,58; Philippians 2:5-8. In the beginning, He was brought into existence by God, His Father, before all other creatures (Revelation 3:14).

5. Who is Satan the Devil? A fallen angel who rebelled against God and shows his lies as a light of truth to those who don't have knowledge (Revelation 12: 9; 2 Corinthians 11:14). One of the commandments of the Bible is to watch (2Chronicles 19:7; Luke 21.36). In the Holy Scriptures, the urge to watch spiritually appears 22 times. How do we know if we're watching spiritually or not? Only if we research ourselves enough, both our faith and deeds. Hasty emotions, wrong feelings and gullibility will not be accepted (Genesis 3:6; Jeremiah 17:9). So we need to be careful with both our heart and our mind not to get lost. One of the tricks of Satan the Devil's deception is that he mixes truth with untruth in a clever way, but which is like mixing water with poison: it will be deadly. For example, Satan has led many who have not paid enough attention to the Bible to believe that the soul is immortal, and that people die only with the flesh, not the soul. But in the Bible it is written very clearly and in countless places that the human soul is as mortal as the human body. We must not believe this mixture of truth and falsehood: Genesis 3:4, John 3:13, John 11:11-14. The man is a divine creation, God’s creation, being the result of the joining of flesh and breath or, let’s put it in another way, the joining of flesh and the spirit breathed by the Creator: Genesis 2:7. As long as the flesh and the spirit coexist, the man is a being; in biblical terms: a man is a living (breathing) soul. When this union ceases to exist, the man is no longer a being; he is dead, both flesh and soul. He not live anymore, death being the opposite of life. The only hope for those who die is the resurrection: John 5:28, 29. There is no conscious or subconscious “life” or the purgatory state after death: Ecclesiastes 9:1-12. Don’t let yourselves be fooled by those who explain the biblical parables in literal terms,
or they do not have a proper text or translation of the Bible for certain texts: Matthew 13:10-15; 2Peter 3:16. If a soul could live after his death, in heaven with God, there would be no need for resurrection. If a soul could live with God in heaven after his death, there would be no need for a resurrection. That is why there is a resurrection, because a man can no longer live in any form once he is dead.

6. Satan's evil plan is to turn mankind away from God in any way so that he can put himself in the place of the Creator: 2 Corinthians 2:11; 4: 4. This is why Satan invented all kinds of idolatry under the guise of which he and his demons are worshiped: 1 Corinthians 10:20. This is why all who love the Creator are forbidden to worship the objects and images of false gods, as well as people (whether living or dead) and angels: Exodus 20: 1-5; Acts 10:25, 26; 14:15; Revelation 19:10; 22: 8, 9. They have only one God, the Father, and they worship Him only, as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did and taught us: Luke 22: 41-45; Matthew 4:10. Our worship is in spirit and in truth, and it is ONLY through His only begotten Heavenly Son, our High Priest, and ONE Mediator: John 3: 3-7; John 3: 13-21; John 4:24; John 8: 31,32; John 14: 6; Hebrews 4: 14-16; 1 Timothy 2: 5. If one bows before someone else as a sign of honor, courtesy, gratitude, it does not necessarily mean that one worships that person: Genesis 23:12; Luke 8:41. "Worship" means "total devotion" to God and no one else can sit in worship to be worshiped beside God: Deuteronomy 6: 5; Matthew 4:10. Worship belongs to God alone, forever and ever: Revelation 22: 9. This means that we do not worship Jesus Christ as a second god, but only honor him with full love and faithfulness because he is worthy of it: Revelation 5:12. He received from God power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and praise, but the right to worship, not.

7. Before the coming back of God’s Anointed King, Jesus Christ (Christ means the Anointed), there will be great sorrow and trouble on Earth, than, a great tribulation in the End Time, which will show that God’s kingdom and the coming of His Anointed designated as King (of the whole earth) is near, is at the door: Luke 21:25-31; Matthew 24:29-33; Revelation 6:12-17. The signs show that God's Anointed comes after the signs, and not before them. The signs of His coming show that He is approaching, not that He has already come, as some mistakenly believe. A big sign will be the coming of an anti-God New World Order and of the Antichrist, the leader of the NWO, who will be seen as a "god": 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. According to the prophecies of the Bible, this will be the time when all religions will be abolished and people will be forbidden to worship the Creator: Daniel 7:23-28, Revelation 13:1-8; Revelation chapter 17. It will be the heyday of atheism and the great apostasy when people will abandon Christianity en masse for fear of suffering and death: 2Tessalonians 2:3; Revelation 13:15. According to biblical prophecy, this is an evil, satanic period, lasting three and a half years. Then Lord Jesus Christ appears, who destroys the power of the Antichrist and frees the suffering true God believers from the hands of the destroyers: Revelation13:5; Revelation chapter 19.

8. What is the sign of God's people at the end time: the Sabbath or the Sunday? Not the Sabbath, nor the Sunday, but love, and the knowledge that is by it, as it is written: Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1John 4:8). This love of God is to be learned and applied, for this love was given by God, through His Son, to the people of God: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”" (John 13:35) Love is the goal of all God's commandments, not the Sabbath or Sunday: "The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." (1Timothy 1:5). In this way, we can understand why certain laws from the Old Testament, such as the Sabbath rest or abstinence from certain foods, are not now mandatory, and why these commandments are not made now: Mark 7:14-23; Acts 15:1-11. Although these laws are good, this open state was necessary because Christians were in a depressed situation like a wilderness on the sympath of history, many fled persecution, or were imprisoned, in a painful state, so they had no peace and could not eat clean food : Revelation 12:6;17:3 Therefore, it will not be the Sabbath or Sunday that will identify them to the kingdom of God, but the knowledge of the meaning of God's name as it is written:
"“Because he loves me,” says the Yehowah, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name." (Psalm 91:14).
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." (John 17:3)
"They will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads." (Revelation 22:4)

9. In prayer and gatherings, chaotic, worldly, stage, hypocritical, or pagan manifestations that despise God's congregation should be avoided, and humility, simplicity, purity, and common sense should be sought: Matthew 6:5 -8; 1Corinthians 14:23,40. All things should be done in an organized, peaceful, loving way. Faith, hope, and love must be cultivated. We must treat the weak of faith wisely so that they do not lose their full faith: Romans 14:1-23.

When will the Lord Jesus Christ come or return? Our Lord Jesus Christ said that the world will not see Him, only His disciples will: John 14:19. How does this truth tone with that which says that every eye shall see Him, even those who pierced Him: Revelation 1:7? Very simple: after the big and frightening sign, which will be the last in a series (plagues, catastrophes) which will come over the unfaithful: Matthew 24:29, 30. Revelation 6:1-17. If we pay attention to these signs given in the Bible, we will know when He is approaching. According to Revelation 1:3, blessed is he who reads and observes what God has said. We must repent, pray and watch! We have only one chance to enter in God's Kingdom. Let escape from the sin, and run from the wrath to come! May God help us all, Amen.






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