
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2024


  WHAT ABOUT APOPHIS? Apophis a near-Earth asteroid nicknamed "The Destroyer" is coming for 2036! Revelation 8 "Apophis" a near-Earth asteroid nicknamed "The Destroyer" is coming!  Are you ready? What the "Internet" said? Apophis Asteroid is approximately 370 meters according to the observation from 2014 , a near-Earth asteroid, a close encounter with earth in 2029 ( 22.000 miles, 22000 mile = 35405.568 km — a hair’s breadth in astronomical terms), would pass through a gravitational keyhole of 1 km and set us up for an impact on April 13, 2036.  This shows that the asteroid will penetrate the area beyond the geostationary satellites located above the Equator at a distance of 35,786 km and will approach just 8 km from the earth's surface in 2038, in a so-called keyhole. In 2017 there were 1738 satellites. Several companies plan to launch 57,000 new satellites by the end of 2030, which would completely change Earth's image f

THE BIBLE IN 10 POINTS (Teologie biblica, engl)

  Do you know that you are in a Universal War that will soon end?   God created "very good" things from the beginning. Genesis 1:31And God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good.   We must first know that after the Creator has done all the good things, one of the angels started a rebellion to dethrone the Creator Father. The Bible shows that a third of the angels in heaven followed that angel in this war, now known as Satan the Devil. Revelation 12:4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.   This war is not over yet, and we are all partakers of this universal conflagration, either on the side of the Creator or on the side of His Adversary. There is no third way, that of neutrality. God urges all His creatures to enter into this great war on His side and to obey Him in all th